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SMS Linker provides a ready to use PHP library. The Library is simply an Object called API with different methods. All methods like our API are documented in table next to this presentation. This lib is simply a cURL request builder, it returns exactly all data returned by our API. The sole difference is that you must provide your API Key in the configuration file. You also need to enable the PHP cURL Extension to use the library.
All requests executed by this lib must be identified by your API Key. You must edit the "smslinker.config.php" file to add your API key .
To create this object you must use:
$request = new SMSLinker();
Campaign list
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"campaigns": [
{"ID": "01","Sending_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Creating_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Status": "ENVOYE","Message":"Go #url# #Var_A# Stop au XXXXX"},
{"ID": "01","Sending_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Creating_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Status": "ENVOYE","Message":"Go #url# #Var_A# Stop au XXXXX"},
{"ID": "01","Sending_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Creating_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Status": "ENVOYE","Message":"Go #url# #Var_A# Stop au XXXXX"},
{"ID": "01","Sending_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Creating_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Status": "ENVOYE","Message":"Go #url# #Var_A# Stop au XXXXX"}
{"campaigns": []}
Args :
OPTIONAL $limitation : specify number of results per page
OPTIONAL $page : specify page number
Campaign information
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaign(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"campaign":{"Sending_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "Creating_time": "08-06-2017_17:00", "State": "ENVOYE","Reciptients_amount":"50","Message":"Go #url# #Var_A# Stop au XXXXX"}}
{"campaign": {}}
Campaign recipients
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaignRecipients(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Envoye","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":""},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Recu","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":""},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Expire","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":""},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Supprime","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":""},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Non_Livrable","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":""},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Inconnu","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":"08-06-2017_17:00"}
{"recipients": []}
Campaign stops
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaignStops(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00"}
{"stops": []}
Campaign stats brief (if rich or survey option enabled)
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaignStatsBrief(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"General_Consult": "55", "Unique_Consult": "1","Click_Rate":"98","Android":"5","Apple":"5","Windows":"5","Other":"5"}
{"stats": []}
Campaign stats details (if rich or survey option enabled)
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaignStatsDetails(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "55", "Platform": "Mac 10.11.1","Country":"FR","City":"La Rochelle","Browser":"Safari","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"ID": "56", "Platform": "Mac 10.11.1","Country":"FR","City":"La Rochelle","Browser":"Safari","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00"}
{"stats": []}
All stops
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00"}
{"stops": []}
Minisite list
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "0", "Label": "TEST MS","Createdtime":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"ID": "1", "Label": "Test MS2","Createdtime":"08-06-2017_17:00"}
{"minisites": []}
Survey list
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "0", "Label": "Survey MS","Createdtime":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"ID": "1", "Label": "Survey MS2","Createdtime":"08-06-2017_17:00"}
{"surveys": []}
Survey answers
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getSurveyAnswers(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "0", "Label": "Answer","Amount":"160"},
{"ID": "1", "Label": "Answer","Amount":"55"}
{"answers": []}
Campaign answers
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaignAnswers(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Answer":"this is an answer"},
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "","Phone":"+33606060606","Time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Answer":"this is an answer"}
{"answers": []}
Campaign delivery receipts
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getCampaignDreceipts(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"ID": "55", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Recu","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"ID": "56", "campaign_ID": "01", "State": "Recu","Phone":"+33606060606","Sending_time":"08-06-2017_17:00","Receiving_time":"08-06-2017_17:00"},
{"recipients": []}
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"Product_ID": "55", "Product_country": "France", "Amount":"50"},
{"Product_ID": "55", "Product_country": "France", "Amount":"50"}
White label information
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"Domain": "", "Enabled": "true", "Name": "my business", "Logo_URL":"50"}
Product list
Proceed with the following request :
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"Product_ID": "1", "Product_category": "SMS", "Product_label": "Premium", "Product_country": "France"},
{"Product_ID": "2", "Product_category": "SMS", "Product_label": "Low cost", "Product_country": "France"}
Country list
Proceed with the following request :
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"Country_ID": "1","Country_label": "France"},
{"Country_ID": "2", "Country_label": "UK"}
Send a message:
Proceed with the following request:
$request->sendSMS(int product_id, string senderlabel, string content, string manual_recipients, int phonebooks, int country_id, boolean dynamicvars, string senddate, int richtype, boolean ruchurlconf, string richurlorigin, int destination_url, int minisite_id, int survey_id)
POST Parameters :
product_id :
senderlabel : sender name ( if SMS premium or SMS International) Max 11 char
content : message content
manual_recipients : recipients list separate by a comma (Optional)
phonebooks : Phonebook ID(Optional)
country_id (optional) : if SMS International, you must define an country
dynamicvars (optional) : 1 = Enable the dynamic variables of your phonebook, disabled by default. /!\ IF YOU ENABLE THIS, MANUAL RECIPIENTS ARE DISABLED /!\
senddate (optional) : sending date (YYYY-mm-dd_H:i)
richtype (optional) : Type 1 = Rich SMS, Type 2 = Minisite, Type 3 = Survey
richurlconf (optional) : 0 = One URL for entire campaign, 1 = One URL per SMS
richurlorigin (optional) : If richurlconf = 1, you can customise your short URL
destination_url (optional) : If your rich sms type is 1, the full URL to which customers are redirected
minisite_id (optional) : If your rich sms type is 2, your minisite ID
survey_id (optional) : If your rich sms type is 3, your survey ID
Error | Reason | How to fix |
MISSING_CONTENT | Your message content is empty | Provide a message content. |
PHONEBOOK_ID_NOT_NUMERIC | The Phonebook ID is not numeric | Provide a numeric phonebook ID |
PHONEBOOK_NOT_FOUND | The Phonebook ID does not exit | Provide a valid phonebook ID |
MISSING_PRODUCT | The value of product ID is missing | Provide a valid product ID |
NO_PRODUCT_FOUND | Product does not exist | Provide a valid product ID |
MISSING_SENDERLABEL | Your forgot to provide a sender label | Provide a sender label |
TOOLONG_SENDERLABEL | Sender label is too long. | Your sender label must be shorter than 11 characters |
DATE_FORMAT | Provided date is invalid | Format your date as specified in the documentation |
PAST_DATE | Provided date is before current date | The provided date is in the past |
INVALID_RICH_TYPE | The rich type provided is invalid | Provide a rich type as specified in the documentation |
MISSING_DESTINATION_URL | Destination URL of rich sms is missing | Provide a rich destination URL |
MISSING_MINISITE | You have enabled rich sms and want to use minisite but, you have not provided a minisite ID | Provide minisite ID |
NOT_FOUND_MINISITE | You have enabled rich sms and want to use minisite but the provided minisite ID does not exist | Provide a valid minisite ID |
MISSING_MINISITE | You have enabled rich sms and want to use survey but you have not provided a survey iD | Provide a valid survey ID |
INVALID_RICHURLCONF | Invalid rich URL configuration, this must be 1 OR 0 as specified in the documentation | |
MESSAGE_TOOLONG | Message is too long, max is 349 characters (3 SMS - Premium or International) OR 160 characters (1 Lowcost SMS) | |
NO_ENOUGHT_CREDIT | You do not have enough credits on your account, please order new ones. | |
EMPTY_RECIPIENT_LIST | Your recipient list is empty or contain malformed phonenumber, we can't send your campain. |
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
Phonebook list
Proceed with the following request:
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"phonebooks": [
{"ID": "1", "Label": "Test", "Temporary": "true","Amount":"50000"},
{"phonebooks": []}
Contact list
Proceed with the following request:
$request->getPhonebookContacts(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
{"contacts": [
{"ID": "1", "Phonebook_ID": "1", "Country": "France","Phone":"+33606060606"},
{"ID": "1", "Phonebook_ID": "1", "Country": "France","Phone":"+33606060606"},
{"ID": "1", "Phonebook_ID": "1", "Country": "France","Phone":"+33606060606"},
{"ID": "1", "Phonebook_ID": "1", "Country": "France","Phone":"+33606060606"}
{"contacts": []}
How to delete a phonebook
Proceed with the following request:
$request->delPhonebook(int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
How to delete a contact in a phonebook
Proceed with the following request:
$request->delPhonebookContact(int ContactID, int ID);
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
Create a STOP
Proceed with the following request:
$request->createStop(string Phonenumber);
POST : Phonenumber
POST Parameters :
Phonenumber : Phone number must be set in international format.
The response will be a JSON object. See the following example:
Error | Reason | How to fix |
NOT_FOUND | Your API Key is not valid | Get an API Key from your dashboard. |
API_DISABLED | The API is disabled on your account | Activate the API for your account from the dashboard. |
ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED | Your account is not activated. | Please activate your account. |
ACCOUNT_BANNED | Your account is banned | Please contact an administrator. |
IP_BANNED | The IP address sending the request has been banned. | Please contact an administrator. |